The Jungleseeds Ensete Maurelii

Jungleseeds claim that their ensete is a large clone, superior to the commonly available ones. This post is to see if that is true (and if the £15 for a 1 litre plant is justified)

April 2016

It arrived

May 8th - Planted out, semi shade in moist soil

June 24th (the one on the left):

July 11th (the one on the left, the right hand one is ensete montbelliardii):

July 26th - about 4.5ft tall

September 10th - Up to 6ft

 November 5th
Dug up and dumped in the very messy shed for a few days upside down or at an angle to dry out 

before being put in the greenhouse with all the other bananas, kept at +5c minimum temperature

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