Aloe Striatula From Seed


My plant flowered in June (the yellow flowers)

Some seed pods formed, seen here in August

I collected the seed pods when they were ripe and stored them over winter.


9th March - I started soaking the seeds in water, changed every couple of days

April 18th - I noticed that some were starting to germinate so I have put them all in a 9cm pot in the greenhouse (no pic for this stage, but imagine the seeds pictured above with a tiny white shoot appearing)

April 27th - you can see 2 germinated here. Slug pellets because i lost a lot of aloe polyphyĺla to slugs last year

May 21st

July 27th the plants have grown well, ready to separate now

10th August. I have potted them on. As you can see they have grown strong roots:

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